Sogeti Showcases IoT at Eu0026amp;A 2017

Jun 7, 2017
Sogeti Labs


Electronics and Applications 2017 is a seminar that stretches over three days. The focus is on industrial usage, features a live assembly line and has some great seminar tracks. Sogeti High Tech was also present with a stand showcasing our 3D printed robotic arm, IoT and testing (IoTMap), Connected Bridges and how we help a university team perform the best with their electronic racecar (Formula Student Team Delft).

The seminar tracks were covered with two stories:

To give you some insight in the tracks a small summary, but best is to watch the video (Dutch)

“Adding an antenna does not make the connected design” was the title of the connected design talk. With our insight in how CES ’17 this year came with connected devices. Lots of domestic appliances are sprouting connections nowadays. This wild growth brings us into a state of hyper-connectivity. That brings in the danger of zombie-IoT. With good connected design, mitigation of zombification can be done. We show a five-step structured approach for this:

  1. State the functional reason for the connection
  2. Check the link with other (existing) connections/compliance of standards and protocols
  3. Choose technology with the best fit
  4. Assess the impact of chosen technology to existing architecture
  5. Security and privacy principles to be covered

The second story we did was on “How to start with IoT”. This is a story not only on the IoT technology and how it can be implemented in your company. It is much more on looking at the possibilities IoT can bring to you and how business transformation is needed to make new business opportunities a success. We conclude that starting with IoT is to start with making a business case and a use case. The outcome gives the GO/NOGO of starting with IoT within your company.

Both track talks were filmed. Expect links to the full track talks here soon!

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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