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How to improve Quality in the Agile world?

Aug 20, 2020
Sogeti Labs

Defect turn around time is most important in quality engineering journey to achieve the best quality MVP. In the case of distributed agile, it’s challenging to get all details for a defect. Today people are working from home, and developers can not just walk across and talk to quality engineer/ test engineer and get more details about defects.

Testers/ Quality engineers do write defect reports based on their understanding of product/application specifications. The typical defect report also reflects local culture, language. It is, therefore, becoming confusing to developers to understand the exact environment details and steps followed by the tester and thus reproduce Defect and fix it. Clearly written defect reports with exact steps can stop or reduce ping pong game between developers and testers on defect details.

If we use screen/ step recorders, then we can improve the Quality of defect reports and increase Defect turn around time. There are many step recorders available, both commercial and open source.

The example below is using Microsoft problem step recorder for defect reports. This solution can help the quality engineer to provide all details/ steps to reproduce defects. One can attach all details to defect. It helps developers. I have just browsed through Sogeti labs site and done some actions, have a look at the report below.

You can find more information about PSR here.

Download the attachment for example.

In summary, screen recorders or step recorders provide specific information developers are looking for and thus help faster closure of defects.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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