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Green Code: Coding for the Climate

Oct 7, 2024
Jonas Hultenius

In the fight against climate change, every sector has a role to play, and surprisingly, the tech industry, often seen as a consumer of resources, can also be a powerful force for good. Enter green coding, an emerging movement that focuses on writing software with a minimized environmental impact.

I have been an advocate for years, stemming back to my high school days when I planned to work within the sustainability sector or at least as a marine biologist. The allure of technology and the rush of programming got the best of me and I ended up on another career path. But the roads of life are ever winding, and time brought me back to a place close to where I started and dear to my heart.

Many developers today find themselves unable to contribute. We often talk about sustainability on the grandest of scales and what little I can contribute is left awash in a sea of larger endeavors and quite frankly cooler projects. This is, however, not true.

By optimizing our codebases and rethinking how our software functions, developers can significantly reduce the energy consumption of the ever-growing digital world. And in turn stem the tides of global climate change. The change can start with us, at the grassroot level.

The need for green coding arises from the hidden energy costs of the digital realm. We tend not to think of it, but every website visited, every app used, and every email sent contributes to a surprisingly large carbon footprint. Data centers, the physical warehouses that house our digital information, are notorious energy guzzlers, constantly whirring with activity. The more complex and inefficient the code powering these systems, the more energy they consume.

Green coding isn’t about sacrificing functionality or user experience. Instead, it’s about achieving the same results with less computational overhead and often giving us a better all-in-all experience as a bonus. This can involve a range of techniques, from optimizing algorithms to minimizing unnecessary data processing.

For instance, a simple online form might be coded to only transmit data when the user submits it, rather than constantly submitting it to the server with every keystroke. These seemingly minor optimizations, when applied across millions of lines of code and countless applications, can lead to significant energy savings.

We have grown used to having access to endless bandwidth and lightning-fast networks, infrastructure that comes at no cost to us as developers or our clients but carries with it a substantial carbon footprint, over time. Every request and every byte do have a cost.

Beyond code optimization, green coding also promotes a more sustainable approach to software design. This includes prioritizing resource-efficient hardware, leveraging cloud computing for scalability, and designing applications that encourage user behavior with a lower environmental footprint.

For example, an application that encourages users to download content offline for later viewing can significantly reduce the energy demands associated with streaming. In fact, everything that can be cached should probably be cached, on the server and on the client. This will not only result in a reduction of unnecessary roundtrips and load on our precious servers but also a better user experience. Having the data preprepared will reduce the latency when we don’t have to wait for the server and databases to do their jobs, and the preprocessed and packaged data can be stored in a distributed cache making the trip to get it shorter than ever. And if we already have it locally on our devices, the load time will be close to instantaneous. Everybody wins!

The benefits of green coding extend beyond the environmental impact, and this might be the selling point we all need to get this trend rolling. Reduced energy consumption translates to lower operational costs for businesses and data centers and in turn lower prices. Using less resources both locally and in the cloud will have a direct impact on the companies bottom lines.

Furthermore, by promoting code efficiency and leaner codebases, these modern principles can lead to cleaner, more maintainable software. And in turn freeing up both time and staff to do other things as well as saving us a lot of frustration. Simply put, well-written code is not just environmentally friendly, it’s simply better code.

However, implementing green coding practices isn’t without its challenges. If it were easy everyone would be doing it, right?

First of all, measuring the environmental impact of software can be complex, requiring specialized tools, methodologies as well as a lot of data. There are simple rules of thumb out there that can help us along the way but the only way of really knowing is to measure, monitor and report our findings again and again. This is a topic of its own as well as a completely different beast to handle. But these processes go hand in hand with each other and monitoring will be key to measure our progress.

Additionally, some green coding techniques might require trade-offs in terms of performance or user experience. Often this is not the case, and I would argue that the opposite is true most of the time, but there is a risk that needs to be taken into account. There is also the risk that we over optimize and quite frankly are more of a nuisance than a green hero. Finding the right balance between efficiency, functionality and impact is key.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of green coding are undeniable. As the tech industry continues to grow, the need for sustainable practices becomes ever more critical.

Several initiatives and organizations are already promoting green coding principles. Hackathons focused on energy-efficient software development, educational programs for developers, and industry-wide best practices are all contributing to a growing awareness of the environmental impact of code. If you’re interested this is the right time to get informed and started on your green journey.

The future of green coding is bright. As awareness grows and tools for measuring software’s environmental footprint improve, green coding practices are likely to become an integral part of the software development lifecycle. This shift will require a collective effort, but the potential rewards, a cleaner and greener planet and a more efficient digital landscape, make it a cause worth pursuing. In the battle against climate change, every line of code counts, and green code can help us write a more sustainable future.

About the author

Software Architect | Sweden
I love technology and I tend to collect languages, techniques, patterns and ideas and stack them high. There is a beautiful synergy to be had and endless possibilities when mixing and matching. A process I find to be both exciting and fun. Innovation has always been a driving force for me.

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