Dec 10, 2014
Recently some activists in St. Petersburg dropped waterproof GPS-trackers down their toilets. They found proof that the toilets flushed directly in open water without any sewer filtration. This is the journey the GPS-devices took.
Here’s the story, including video’s of how the activist worked.
It reminded me of a 2009 project of MIT professor Carlo Ratti, called “Trash Track. Connecting US-trash and tracking it. A wonderfull visualitation of the mysterious routes our trash is taking after we’ve dumped it in the garbage bin. .
See the video below.
What can we learn from this? That there will be no more secrets, nothing to hide, and that there’s a lot we don’t know. Interesting to see how the debate in Russia is going. Officials are saying it’s a hoax, the activist say they have the proof. Eitherway, it’s a dirty world.