Getting Started with the Internet of Things

Apr 15, 2015

Start IoTTo truly understand something, you need to get involved, practically involved. Confucius is quoted to have said: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand”. This is especially true for the Internet of Things. You need to get your electronics hands dirty to truly understand how it works and what it can be used for.

I’ve put together a series of videos on getting started with the Internet of Things that you will find below. I urge you not to just look at the videos, but get out and buy some simple parts (they will not cost much), and replicate what I am showing. In the process, you will discover a whole new world, the world of Makers, the enthusiasts who are driving the Internet of Things forward.

It’s an amazing world!

The first video is about the open source hardware platform Arduino, and the classic example of making an LED blink.


In the second video I make the LED blink each time someone gets a like on Facebook.


The third video is about making a normal lamp blink instead of the LED.


The fourth video is about capturing data from temperature and light sensors.


About the author

Global Digital Channels Lead Architect | Sweden
Chris Forsberg is Sogeti’s Global Chief Architect, and his current passion is serverless architectures with microservices, cognitive solutions like chatbots, automation, and beautiful delivery. He has a long background as an architect of digital solutions for many clients on all the major platforms, and love to experiment with new technology.


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