Design to Disrupt: G-Force Level 5

Mar 6, 2014
Sogeti Labs

5gG-force – with g, not G – is a well-known measure of acceleration or weight per unit mass. Interestingly, in telecoms 1-2-3-4-5G is a generational matter of acceleration or bandwidth. Each time, the question remains whether with new generational change true disruption will weigh in.

A Little History
1G once was known as AMPS, 2G as GSM, 2.5G as HSCSD and GPRS, 2.75G as EDGE, 3G as UMTS, 3.5G as HSPA, 3.9G as LTE, and 4G as LTE Advanced. Alas, all of these promising and much hyped generations have proven to be too slow. Now, there’s a new kid on the block: 5G or TBD which is memorably short for To Be Defined / Determined / Developed / Discussed / Done.

G-force Level 5 Ahead
Expectations are high and beforehand 5G definitely qualifies as being designed to disrupt. To shatter boundaries! How much so, EU Commissioner Neelie Kroes stressed recently:

“I want 5G be pioneered by European industry, based on European research and creating jobs in Europe – and we will put our money where our mouth is.”

By 2020, every sector of the economy will be digital. Worldwide mobile traffic will reach a 33 times increase compared to 2010 figures.  Every business and citizen must be able to enjoy easy-to-use, reliable and fast Internet on the move.

Therefore the European Union has announced €50 million for research to deliver 5G mobile technology by 2020, with the aim to put Europe back in the lead of the global mobile industry.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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