Defi H Series (Part 3): HIPS to help the disabled find parking spots

Jun 8, 2015
Sogeti Labs

HIPS LOGOIn the third article of the series, we discuss how the Handicap Intelligent Park System (HIPS) – developed by the team that won the Jeune Pousse Award at the Defi H Competition – will help the physically challenged people find a parking spot easily.

The need

When the team was contacting several NGOs to find a unique idea that could be developed into a solution during the Défi H competition, a representative of the Ivry-sur-Seine disability committee (Mission Handicap) pointed out, “It would be convenient if people with disabilities could find their parking spaces more easily.” Hence, the Team decided to take up the challenge!

How does the application work?

HIPS is an application that can be used by people possessing a disability card OR a parking card for disabled people.
The HIPS parking space detection device/captor installed/buried in the area would send a live stream to the HIPS mobile application, which in turn would update the status of the parking spaces. Consequently, the user would get to know in advance which parking space is available near his/her destination.

As of now, the App can be used on  Android and Windows Phones only.

The different project phasesHIPS-schema

  • Hardware design and setup
  • App development and hardware reinforcement
  • Test finalization and real-time validation

Problems and solutions

First, the students had to get familiar with the technologies they decided to use to build the solution.
The two other major issues they encountered were:
– Making the parking sensor waterproof / water resistant
– Ensuring that the sensor can connect to Internet everywhere

Looking ahead

The HIPS team aims to:

  • Use a laser sensor to optimize the functionality of a sensor. The team is not against progress/advancement and will always adapt to new technologies
  • Integrate a GPS module in the App to make it even easier to find parking spaces
  • Integrate the app in GPS. The Team would like to approach the GPS brands with this project
  • Get the system tested in Issy-Les-Moulineaux and Ivry-sur-Seine (this is already in progress), as they want to extend the project to more cities

The winning team

ETNA (School):

– Bastien Chevallier
– Adrien Alexandre
– Steven Boehm
– Erwan Boehm
– Sofiane Adbelfftah


Sogeti Coach: Fabien Senlanne

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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