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Défi H season 6  – GO for 6 Months contest

Sogeti Labs
December 23, 2016

The new season of the Défi H is launched; the selected teams are among 8 repartees between Bordeaux, Paris and Lille. A 9th project proposed by the ENSEA School is supported out off the competition. The range of the represented establishments extended at new schools. Besides the ENSEA, Léonard de Vinci engineers’ college, the ICAM and the ISEP participate this year in the competition. There is a renewal on the wallet of schools which brings a new project type. It shows that the subject is attractive whatever the category of school.

You can follow the contest and with the hashtag #defih on twitter.


We get off the beaten track

An interesting characteristic of the promotion 2017 is that numerous projects combine hardware and software technologies, using 3D printers, IoT and Fablabs, so strengthening an evolution which had begun since some previous season. It concerns half of the presented use cases while there was only one or two up to there. It proves that we bring out of the pure application software and that we go towards more complex subjects and solutions. However, we are still surprised by the efficiency and simplicity of the different ideas.

Below in few words the 8  + 1 project description.

 Anti-Epilepsy Glasses, presented by Exia Cesi, Bordeaux (category Young shoot). The objective is to realize a portable device(plan) allowing the photosensitive (photoperceptible) epileptics to protect itself effectively by preventing the crises. In the form of glasses, he would allow to analyze and filter the strong luminous intensities.

  • Autonomous Watch, presented by the School engineers’ superior Léonard de Vinci, Paris, with Microsoft Services France – Mission Handicap. The project concerns a service allowing the disabled people to receive information resulting from sensors to interact easily with their environment wherever they are without passing by an outside help. The collected data will be interpreted before being notified.
  • Kophosight, presented by the ECE, Paris, with the national Institute of young deaf persons of Paris. It is a question of translating in real time the oral language into code LPC (Completed Spoken Language), less known than the sign language but very used in the deaf community. It completes the lip-reading with a visual information distinguishing the syllables. The project plans to resort to the reality increased through the HoloLens of Microsoft
  • Exchangeable Hand, presented by the ICAM, Lille. The project aims at creating a system adapting itself to the physical activities of the people amputated by a hand which cannot make any more the daily tasks of their work. He(it) plans to make, by means of a 3D printer, modules adapted according to the made task which will be plug on a fixed part.
  • Murdock, presented by the school ECE, Paris (category Young shoot). The objective of the project is to secure the crossing of streets for the people partially-sighted persons. A connection transmitter-receiver will warn immediately of the presence of a pedestrian light via a case vibrator.
  • Myoveo, presented by the ECE, Paris (category Young shoot). It is question here to create a prosthesis myoélectrique to sail the people amputated of arm of congenital or traumatic origin. The objective is to make accessible this prosthesis which will guarantee an active prehension of the objects for the gestures of the current life and to put the project in open source.
  • Sign Speaker Translator, presented by the ISEP, Paris (category Young shoot). The team plans to realize a system of bidirectional communication for the deaf-mutes. It concerns a translator of the sign language doubled by a translator of the oral language in text posted on an app or sent by telephone. Interesting to notice that this project is leaded by a full Chinese team Within the framework of a program of university exchange.
  • Transcriptor, presented by Supinfo, Valenciennes. The purpose is to realize a solution of transcription of text in Braille to diversify the choice of books for visually handicapped people. The invention will lean on a classic digital dust cover connected with a tray established of removable stalks to post the page in Braille.
  • Poly S.E.N.S (Poly Stimulation EmotioNnelle and Sensory), presented by the ENSEA. The project consists in imagining a usable interface by people in situation of polyhandicap. Its main purpose is to make them act and react through the discovery of their senses(directions) such as the view(sight), the hearing and the touch. This interface has to allow them to express itself more through their directions and to interact with their environment.

This project cannot be taken into account in the scope of the Defi H Challenge, but regarding the willing to address the high degree of disability and students team engagement, we decided to support this project and include it (off competition) in the global animation.


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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