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Binge-Watching IT

Oct 7, 2021
Susan Thayer

Salesforce, the CRM and digital marketing software company, surprised many in the IT and entertainment industry when it announced in August it was launching a streaming video service. This new free platform will include live and on-demand content.

I personally had the opportunity to participate in a live content program in late August and I have to admit it was pretty cool to be live in front of almost 1000 viewers and be able to answer their chat questions live. Obviously not everyone’s schedules will allow for joining live which is why this and thousands of other sessions are available on-demand on Salesforce+. This can really level the playing field by giving access to training information for those trying to learn a new skill after hours or located on the other side of the world.

Other live content includes live-streaming their conference keynotes and breakouts. Reducing the costs and inconvenience of traveling to attend in-person. The first real-test of the service happened in September with the annual Dreamforce conference.  Estimated viewership of Dreamforce 21 live on Salesforce+ was forecasted at 60,000 from around the world.

Even though I was at the in-person Dreamforce event this year I, and a few others I know, tuned into Salesforce + afterwards to watch a few sessions. No running to find the meeting room and no worries about finding a good seat and struggling to see or hear the speakers. Talk about convenience.

Beyond just Salesforce training and content, the service will feature original content such as business leader program “Leading Through Change” and  the career advise show “Boss Talk”.  Salesforce wants to become the Netflix of Business content and have many more original content programs planned. This is no small investment; an entire “Salesforce Studios” team of producers, editors and writers have been hired. Will these leader and business shows someday be as well-known as Shark Tank and The Profit?

The obvious question is why not just place the content on YouTube? I suspect a big part of it has to do with branding Salesforce as a change leader and unlike YouTube, Salesforce + controls what ads and suggested content users see.

It will be interesting to see if other companies follow their steps. Will we someday see a channel for other tech companies like Microsoft or for major brands like Coca-Cola?

Check it out for yourself at and share your thoughts with me. In the meantime, if you need me I’ll be binge watching the first season of “Inflection Point”.

About the author

Digital Transformations Practice Manager | United States
Susan is an experienced CRM and digital marketing consultant with nearly 15 years of managing discovery, implementation and strategic use of CRM solutions and related programs.


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