Big data is Big money. Gartner published some economic forecasts regarding big data last week. Gartner says big data will drive $232 billion in spending through 2016. It will directly or indirectly drive $96 billion of worldwide IT spending in 2012, and is forecast to drive $120 billion of IT spending in 2013. Here are some interesting conclusions from Gartner based on their research:
- Big data currently has the most significant impact in social network analysis and content analytics with 45 percent of new spending each year.
- Despite the hype, big data is not a distinct, stand-alone market, but it represents an industrywide market force which must be addressed in products, practices and solution delivery
- Big data will once again become ‘just data’ by 2020 and architectural approaches, infrastructure and hardware/software that does not adapt to this ‘new normal’ will be retired
- IT spending driven by big data functional demands will total $28 billion. Most of that will go toward adapting existing solutions to new demands driven by machine data, social data and the unpredictable velocity that comes with it.