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BI to AI Journey

Sogeti Labs
April 29, 2019

AI is garnering a lot of hype and media attention. Not a day goes by without mention of AI and how it is going to transform our lives. While AI is real and an important topic, it remains confined to very specific use cases. When I am in discussions with organizations about the adoption of AI, I realize that they struggle to have a roadmap to modernize their current BI applications to AI thereby making them Actionable to achieve the ROI.

In my last blog post, I discussed what is actionable BI and how it can help achieve desired results – be to achieve operational efficiencies, customer experience, creating new products/services or transforming the business model. In this post, I explore an approach to help organizations develop a roadmap in their journey from BI to AI.

Most of the traditional BI applications may provide interesting insights about the business trends but making these insights actionable, requires further analysis and processes that are labor-intensive, cumbersome and often get lost in organizational inertia, silos, and politics. The traditional BI apps also provide little personalization and contextualization, so the insights are generic rendering decision making harder to leverage for day to day decision making.

On the other hand, enhanced BI in conjunction with Machine Learning and AI does not leave the decision-making dependent on human analysis. Enhanced BI itself can make BI more actionable by adding more contextualization and personalization for the user so that he/she gets intelligence that is related to the task on hand for the user. By applying machine learning to analyze the insights as well as underlying data, it can recommend concrete actions that will result in improving business outcomes. AI applies machine learning to aid and speed up human analysis and decision making. This enhanced version of BI provides an easier contextual and personalized experience to organizations. Furthermore, this model leverages intelligent automation for trackable and measurable actions.

Organizations have hundreds of traditional BI applications that need to be enhanced and AI enabled. It will take analysis, planning and developing a roadmap that can help organizations undertake this journey within time and budget constraints. The following table suggests a framework that we are using to help organizations initiate that journey

The following table shows a framework to conduct that analysis:

The output of this analysis can help define a roadmap for your journey from traditional BI to AI-powered BI – to realize the benefits of AI by truly making your BI apps actionable.

If your organization is interested in exploring an actionable BI solution, you can reach out to me at

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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