Jan 8, 2014
Sogeti Labs

The ongoing explosion of Big Data continues to drown organizations in a potentially valuable information tsunami. People who can make sense of it all – aka quantitative analysts or data scientists – are scarce to say the least. Currently, the U.S. job market seeks almost 200,000 of them to fill open positions, and in addition 1.5 million data literate managers need retraining.

Colleges and universities have noticed the demand for data science skills and have created programs to educate these badly needed data people. Good data scientists have these three essential traits:

1. The can model a data set mathematically.
2. The have software engineering skills.
3. They can find insights and tell stories from the data.

Projections indicate that the Big Data market will continue to experience meteoretic growth:

big data market forecast

Source: the invaluable DOMO blog.

more–>No more secrets with Big Data Analytics
A good place for everyone to start with Big Data is our book No More Secrets. Transformative Big Data initiatives begin with “magic moments”: by choosing a domain in which your organization wishes to excel, while taking into account the risks and side effects. Performance Big Data initiatives are directed to existing projects with the aim of improving the performance. With No More Secrets with Big Data Analytics VINT aims to create clarity by putting experience and vision in perspective: independent and supported by examples.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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