Analytics to Power the Four-leaf SMCT Clover
Jul 17, 2014
Business warriors badly need their SMCT, their Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks. Common technology-wise, these four letters consitute the four-leaf clover of Social networking, Mobile apps on smart devices, pervasive Cloud, and connected Things of sorts. This SMACT platform is expected to build up in four Olympic 4-year periods (2004-2020) with exponential impact. This fully depends however on the heart of the matter: the intelligent A-stem in the middle which stands for Analytics, based on big data.
Know & Do What You Want to Know & Do
Today, the Social and Mobile leafs may seem well established while Cloud and Things remain underdeveloped. True as this is, we first and foremost need to see that only the four-leaf clover’s Analytics stem, through which big data flows, can so to speak “nourish” the leafs to become first class crop. True excellence is grounded in both knowing & doing what you want to know & do.more–>
It’s Time to ACT, to Design for True Disruption
My take: Social and Mobile need to be intelligently ACTed upon instead of merely being instrumentally and purposelessly developed as e.g. even bigger cloud-based social networks, even louder social media on mobile devices, or yet other mobile socially connected things. For SMACT to become a business warrior’s most formidable blow within this decade’s time frame will be a matter of carefully designing and fertilizing the clover’s SMCT leafs through their big data Analytics stem.