Analytics to Power the Four-leaf SMCT Clover

Jul 17, 2014
Sogeti Labs

Business warriors badly need their SMCT, their Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks. Common technology-wise, these four letters consitute the four-leaf clover of Social networking, Mobile apps on smart devices, pervasive Cloud, and connected Things of sorts. This SMACT platform is expected to build up in four Olympic 4-year periods (2004-2020) with exponential impact. This fully depends however on the heart of the matter: the intelligent A-stem in the middle which stands for Analytics, based on big data.


Know & Do What You Want to Know & Do
Today, the Social and Mobile leafs may seem well established while Cloud and Things remain underdeveloped. True as this is, we first and foremost need to see that only the four-leaf clover’s Analytics stem, through which big data flows, can so to speak “nourish” the leafs to become first class crop. True excellence is grounded in both knowing & doing what you want to know & do.more–>

It’s Time to ACT, to Design for True Disruption
My take: Social and Mobile need to be intelligently ACTed upon instead of merely being instrumentally and purposelessly developed as e.g. even bigger cloud-based social networks, even louder social media on mobile devices, or yet other mobile socially connected things. For SMACT to become a business warrior’s most formidable blow within this decade’s time frame will be a matter of carefully designing and fertilizing the clover’s SMCT leafs through their big data Analytics stem.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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