Ambient Intelligence or Digital Aura – The Augmented People

Mar 10, 2015
Sogeti Labs

microsoft-techdays-paris-2015‘Ambient Intelligence’ was the theme and the guiding principle of MSTechDays that took place from February 10 to 12 in Paris.  An alternative term, I would use for this is ‘Digital Aura.’ Unlike the ‘Digital Double’ and virtual life on the net, we are in an era where the connection between the ‘Physical’ and ‘Digital’ is permanent. The smartphone is now the indisputable evidence; and any object, which is potentially connectable (today), adds to this “Digital Aura” around us. Thus, everyone becomes the transmitter and receiver of information. It is this dimension that fascinates me about the (inherent) opportunities and threats that any new technology carries / poses, if we do not control it in the right way.

SogetiLabs and VINT,  our international network of experts, published four reports on the IoT and related data, which identified how all industries, services … are involved.

The last report called the “Smact and the City” also addresses the impacts on our lives due to the transformations caused by the ‘Ambient Intelligence.’ Based on this and the last event,  ‘Digital Week in Bordeaux’ #SDBX4,  we conducted the Illinda project with four students of Ionis Group and the city of Bordeaux . This project delves into how younger generations deal with these new possibilities in the context of their everyday urban life. This is simply amazing and refreshing.

Now, coming back to the ‘Tech Days’. Nearly six sessions were led by Sogetilabs Fellows and Members. I would like to emphasize three of them:

  • A session conducted by Yann Sese, Head of our Center of Excellence – Data Intelligence – focused on the way to monetize data and information, which is generated based on an original method for detecting ‘weak signals’ from an avalanche of information. This method called ‘Naîve Data Discovery’ allows us to capture the right information and extract the right value.


  • The second one was about how Digital Workplace, as an ‘extended and multi channel,’ can ensure a new way of working, putting in place the ‘Any Time Any Where Any Device (ATAWAD)’ concept. This session was jointly conducted by Thomas Gennburg and Olivier Pierrat. The session highlighted space-related challenges and opportunities for any organization.


  • Last but not the least, the session led by François Mérand on Cloud development, projected this lever as an essential tool to help the new global environment shift from Application Development to Digital Service offerings.

I would like to conclude with one question for all organizations in this new world, which is both complex and hyper:

How can we put ‘Design to Disrupt’ in a permanent position to propose new business rules and services and (re)design new processes in order to get all the benefits of the available technologies?

You can find some answers to the above question in the first part of the study on D2D on the SogetiLabs Blog.

But please feel free to share your point of views.


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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