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A Quantum Leap Without the Quantum – Graphene Chips, A Promising Evolution, Not a Revolution

Jonas Hultenius
Aug 7, 2024

The relentless pursuit of miniaturization and ever-increasing processing power has been a hallmark of the digital revolution. It started decades ago and has not shown any signs of slowing down just yet. Over the last decades silicon chips, the workhorses of modern electronics, have faithfully served this purpose. However, as we approach the physical limitations of silicon, the tech world eagerly awaits a successor.

Enter graphene, a revolutionary material touted as the potential game-changer that will usher in a new era of computing. And while that is most definitely true and seeing how graphene holds immense promise, it’s crucial to understand its potential and limitations to avoid overhyping it as a “quantum leap” that replaces silicon entirely. There are layers to this, just like everything else in our world.

First of all, I must admit that I’m smitten with the marvel of graphene and its interesting backstory. Graphene was once a theoretical material, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice, that would possess unique properties that make it a highly promising candidate for future chip technology among other tasks. But no one was able to produce it and it remained just a theory. Enter Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, two scientists at the University of Manchester, that in 2004 was able to rediscover this magical material and produce it with just pen, paper and a roll of ordinary tape. A theoretical material brought to life with just normal office supply. The duo was later awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their “groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene” and the rest is history.

But what makes graphene so special?

It has many interesting properties but chiefly among them is its superior conductivity. Graphene boasts exceptional electrical conductivity well surpassing even the most advanced silicon chips. This translates to faster processing speeds and lower energy consumption, leading to more efficient and powerful electronics.    Coupled with this it also exhibits excellent heat dissipation, a crucial factor as miniaturization leads to increased heat generation in conventional chips.

And rounding things off, Graphene is incredibly strong and lightweight, making it ideal for creating flexible and durable electronic devices.

In summary, it possesses superior conductivity and is both cool and strong. What more could you ask for?

Well, despite its impressive properties, integrating graphene into practical chip architectures presents significant challenges. So, if we could ask for anything it might be for it to be simpler to work with.

Even twenty years in there are manufacturing hurdles to overcome. Mass-producing high-quality, defect-free graphene at scale remains an ongoing challenge. Emphasis on the ‘at scale’ part.

Current production methods are both expensive and often result in inconsistent material properties. Making it less than reliable as a base for any further manufacturing built on top. Reliability is always crucial, and we are simply not there yet.

Next up is the bandgap dilemma. Unlike silicon, pristine graphene lacks a bandgap, a critical property that allows transistors to switch on and off efficiently. While research is ongoing to engineer a bandgap in graphene, and great progress is being made every day, a practical solution has yet to be widely adopted.

We also have the tiny problem of integration into the existing infrastructure. The entire semiconductor industry is built around silicon technology and transitioning to a completely new material like graphene requires significant changes in manufacturing processes and chip design.

All these hurdles make me believe that there is only one realistic solution in the short term. And that is to think beyond the concept of mere replacement and start thinking in the lines of a symbiotic future.

Graphene is unlikely to entirely replace silicon in the near future, it’s more realistic to envision a future where both materials coexist and complement each other.

By combining graphene with silicon, we could leverage the strengths of both materials while taking current current production infrastructure into account. Graphene transistors could handle high-speed operations, while silicon could handle logic functions that benefit from its natural bandgap. The resulting product being a technological leap but at a fraction of the cost of going all the way, in the short term.

In the longer-term graphene will probably win out in many sectors as its unique properties make it ideal for specialized applications and where its advantages outweigh the challenges. But a world without silicon might still be decades away. The transition is likely to be gradual, with advancements in manufacturing and integration paving the way for wider adoption.

Graphene holds immense potential for the future of electronics. It has remarkable properties and offers a tantalizing glimpse of what’s possible. However, tempering expectations and acknowledging the challenges are crucial, as we often get stuck in a hype cycle otherwise.

I believe that graphene won’t be a one-size-fits-all replacement for silicon, but rather a partner in pushing the boundaries of chip technology. If we allow ourselves not to see this as a binary question where the only answer is one or the other, we will quickly see that there is much to be gained by leveraging the inherent strengths of both.

There is a long road ahead and the journey towards graphene-based chips requires continued research and development to overcome manufacturing hurdles. As well as developing practical integration methods. Although much work has already been done, more is still needed to reach our final destination.

While the media often portrays graphene as a revolutionary “quantum leap” that will in an instant render silicon obsolete, it’s important to avoid getting tangled in all the hype. Silicon will likely remain the dominant chip material for many years to come, with graphene gradually carving out its niche in specialized applications and hybrid architectures.

The true leap forward lies not in replacing one material with another, but in harnessing the unique properties of both silicon and graphene to create a new generation of electronic devices that are faster, more efficient, and more versatile than ever before.

About the author

Software Architect | Sweden
I love technology and I tend to collect languages, techniques, patterns and ideas and stack them high. There is a beautiful synergy to be had and endless possibilities when mixing and matching. A process I find to be both exciting and fun. Innovation has always been a driving force for me.

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