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Top 5 SogetiLabs blogs from February 2022

Sogeti Labs
March 03, 2022

Take a look at our most read and shared blog posts from February 2022.

Whitepaper – Choosing your data service in cloud for migrating datasets

Migrating large data to the cloud often is a challenge due to various factors. In this whitepaper, we present some best practices that can be applied to various Data Migration scenarios to avoid some common pitfalls.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) – The three W’s (What, Who, Why)

What is User Acceptance Testing? Explore about the three W’s (What, Who, Why) of UAT in this blog.

‘No-but-allowing-Code’ 3rd era vs. Traditional Test Automation Tooling

Explore in detail about ‘No-but-allowing-Code’ 3rd era and Traditional Test Automation Tooling in this blog by Jesper Bo Christensen.

Situational Architecturing – a DYA Whitepaper by Sogeti

The environments we work in are getting increasingly challenging. To cope up with this fast pacing environment, architects must get smarter. Go through this whitepaper to know about the three magical levels of situational architecture.

Quality Engineering and Testing Predictions for 2022

Want to know the top 5 predictions for Quality Engineering and Testing for 2022? Go through this blog to find out.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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