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TechTalk – Building the right Test Data Management capabilities

Bart Vanparys
December 22, 2021

As digital solutions become even more data-intensive, organizations need to invest in testing these solutions with production-representative data. Given that delivery cycles are accelerating and solutions are becoming increasingly integrated, many organizations need mature Test Data Management (TDM) capabilities. This requires a healthy mix of infrastructure, tooling, practices and governance. A new maturity model (TD3M) was developed by a dedicated SogetiLabs circle to support organizations making smart decisions on TDM. 

In this webinar, we will share more details on Test Data Management capabilities and the TD3M model. 

About the author

Director | Belgium
Bart graduated as Commercial Engineer (KU Leuven, Belgium) and has worked in IT consultancy since 2000. In 2011, he joined Capgemini Belgium where he took a lead role in building the Testing & Quality Management practice. He is currently supporting organizations in building testing & quality engineering capabilities.


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