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VINT series on Big Data now complete

Menno van Doorn
September 09, 2013

With the launch of our fourth report on Big Data a little over a week ago, we complete our research series on Big Data. Our four report offer a glimpse of what Big Data has to offer. We already started our new series on the internet of things, our first report will be available later this year. For now, let’s take a loot back at our reports on Big Data. Why our Big Data focus? Since 2005, when the ‘Big Data’ concept was launched, Big Data has become an increasingly topical subject with key relevance for all other Business & Customer Technology fields from analytics, mobile and social to cloud. In terms of technology development and business adoption, the Big Data field has undergone extremely rapid changes, and that is an understatement. With our four Big Data reports, VINT aimed to create clarity in the field of emerging Big Data practices by presenting experiences and visions in perspective: independently, and furnished with appropriate examples. BigDatacover_highres_ENGReport 1 – Creating Clarity with Big Data Download Download the Dutch version: Helderheid creëren met Big Data In our initial research report on Big Data, the first of four, we gave answers to questions concerning what exactly Big Data is, where it differs from existing data classification, how the transformative potential of Big Data can be estimated, and what the current situation is with regard to adoption and planning. VINT aimed to create clarity in these developments by presenting experiences and visions in perspective: objectively and laced with examples. BigSocialcover_highres_ENGReport 2 – Big Social: Predicting Behavior with Big Data Download Download the Dutch version: Big Social – Gedrag voorspellen met Big Social  The concrete adoption and plans of organizations are currently and primarily oriented toward the theme of Big Social: basically the customer side, particularly inspired by the social network activity of Web 2.0. Our second Big Data research report deals with this field. Big Social, offers a multi-faceted orientation into next-generation Social Analytics and Social Media. The report will provide you with insights on the predictability of consumer behavior and will assist you in your own judgement by presenting the rapid developments, the analysis of available tools, best practices and inspiring cases. cover_PrivacyNotitie-ENReport 3: Privacy, Technology and the law Download Download the Dutch version: Privacy, Technologie en de Wet The same tools that drive organizations towards data driven business and have a high impact on marketing, process optimizing and maybe even predicting the future of products with predictive analytics, also raise concerns about new privacy intrusive technological possibilities such as re-identification, ubiquitous monitoring and thorough risk analyses on an individual level. Organizations and their customers need to find a healthy balance that suits both parties. In this report VINT presents Privacy by Design, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and legislation as the winning strategy to make Big Data efforts profitable without harming the trust of customers. Schermafbeelding 2013-08-26 om 09.31.49Report 4: Your Big Data Potential: The Art of the Possible Download Download the Dutch version: Uw Big Data Potentie At this point everyone wants a piece of the Big Data revolution, inspired by cases and applications. The fourth report by VINT deals with the technical and organizational implications that companies need to deal with to unlock their big data potential. The report offers a checklist of twenty questions, that answer whether or not you are properly situated to tap into the Big Data potential, and of where the possible challenges may lie. The new rules focus on business tranformation, technological improvements and new ways of discovering data. All in all a very complete perspective of the data revolution that is taking place. At the end of this recap I want to leave our reader with some of the take aways from the four reports. If you are not quite sure about what Big Data can do for you, here what you need to know: 1 – In this age of Big Data, Business Intelligence (BI) development is progressing toward Total Data Analytics and Total Data Management. 2 – Organizations that integrate diverse new information types and sources into a coherent information management infrastructure will outperform others. 3 – The accent is increasingly being placed on data and algorithms rather than on models. 4 – Modern Social Analytics enables organizations to understand the rhythms of human activity, to attach predictions to them, and to plan and implement corresponding actions. 5 – The possibilities of personalization and hypertargeting are steadily increasing, and the Big Social solutions toolbox is bursting at the seams 6 – Privacy by Design, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and legislation are key to make Big Data efforts profitable (without harming the trust of customers). 7 – Privacy by design should be part of your big data-strategy 8 – Big Data is your new colleague 9 – Big Data is about “magic moments” and performance 10 – New rules focus on business tranformation, technological improvements and new ways of discovering data Thanks to all our readers who shared and contributed to our research. We look forward to seeing your input for our upcoming research.

About the author

Director and Trend Analyst VINT | Netherlands
Menno is Director of the Sogeti Research Institute for the Analysis of New Technology (VINT). He mixes personal life experiences with the findings of the 19 years of research done at the VINT Research Institute. Menno has co-authored many books on the impact of new technology on business and society.


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