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An update on the future of wearables

Sogeti Labs
October 28, 2014

A new PwC’s research digs into the business of wearables and the consumer attitudes and preferences that will shape the future of wearable technology. They state that there are many applications for wearable tech in enterprise and in life. It will upend the retail industry, revolutionize health care and will likely change advertising and content as we know it:

There is indeed a wearable future ahead, one that can dramatically alter the landscape of society and business as we know it. For months, we surveyed consumers and spoke with experts to explore the potential benefits as well as drawbacks, understanding why they matter, and how they will deeply shape us as individuals and as a society. Here is a look at some of the strengths and opportunities for wearable tech — and the weaknesses and challenges that enterprising businesses must successfully navigate.
More details here.ย 

About the author

Sogeti Labs

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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