Apr 20, 2016
Sogeti Labs

The miniature living room is a custom made box with a combination of custom made and third party hardware. There are several assets in the living room, like curtains, underfloor heating and lamps. Beside the assets there are a few sensors, like temperature and light sensors. Users can remotely control the assets in the room and there is a dashboard with the outcome of the sensor values. Tom van de Ven has written a book IoTMap : Testing in an IoT Environmen, this book will be published on 21st of April. The miniature living room is a prototype that will be tested according to the method, described in the book. With a layered model of an IoT solution the different aspects that make the IoT solution are categorised and per layer a test focus can be defined. In five clear steps an IoT test approach takes shape. Behind the scenes the data from the living room is transported to the Cloud. In this case IBM Bluemix and Microsoft Azure are used as Cloud platform. Both Clouds deliver the same functions, so the benefits of each Cloud platform are visible. Attendees witnessed that an IoT scenario uses a great diversity of technologies. After this session it is clear how to test such a scenario. Furthermore, the complete scenario, from hardware to Cloud and back, is shown and best practices are clear.

Tom van de Ven and Chris den Arend speak at the biggest European IoT seminar: IoT TechDay 2016.  Watch the video  to find out more about their session:

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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