Nowadays we are experimenting a ‘crescendo’ of articles and resources for the digital change that we are experimenting, the mobile revolution is here, there are a plenty of articles about it and IoT is gaining more and more space and not only in specialized magazines, today you can take a coffee at train station and hear a conversation about drones. The new generation is born with internet and devices; they are used to consume data while moving and mainly while they’re on social networking sites
It is not a summer trend and is not only a question of interest only for managers and technologists, it covers more than this. All that is fine, apparently.
Just few days ago I was seeing a magazine during the break and came across GATTACA, an interesting film where citizens are divided by having ‘good DNA’ or ‘poor DNA’. There are limits based on that division, and is not only about physics, the whole society is built with those limitations.
It is not the real world and I do not advocate that this is an eugenic society, but Class A or B citizens are not a modern problem, in the whole of human history we found the struggle for equality, this makes me reflect upon the target of those revolutions.
In this modern world where all exists in your smartphone, the cities are smart enough to help you and all your things are connected to internet and can take care of you with IoT healthcare, if you have to live in a big city!
It is mainly an infrastructure problem, out of big city there is no high band internet connection, often there is no 4G, nor 3G; for example where I live (60 kms away from Barcelona) if it is raining there is only Edge connection, I can only speak and send SMS, no other connection exists because signal is too weak for Mobile and IoT, and my Adsl is far from the promise of 10Mb/s.
Because of this infrastructure, majority of Spain citizens are literally cut-off from this revolution, Madrid and Barcelona are big cities but there is only a relative percentage of the country’s population who live there.
To use a smart phone or not, is not the main problem, the point here is that there’s no equality in the possibility of access to culture and knowledge, there are no equivalent opportunities for working and not being covered by modern facilities and services. Not many brands are interested in actually investing here for the simple reason that majority of their customers live in these ‘rural’ areas, so ROI is heavily affected.
Internet connection rights are not new [1], these are more than 10 years old and some countries have tried to add it in their constitutional acts ort legal sets, in the new digital connected world those rights need to be expanded to support these new technologies and is a central ethic problem, not a technical one.
I hope in the coming years they find more interest on social side-effects of these changes and a new consciousness develops about internet connection rights.
VINTON G. CERF Internet Access Is Not a Human Right:
Image: Google