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Our “Irish Adventure” with SogetiLabs #THiNKUBATOR2018

Sogeti Labs
March 27, 2018

Recently, The annual SogetiLabs meeting was held in Dublin :

  • Client: Ireland’s leading insurance company
  • SogetiLabs experts from around the world
  • Three key technologies :

Artificial Intelligence


  Chat/Voice Bot

  • The Goal: Create three “Minimum Lovable Products” in two days


What is SogetiLabs?

  • An international community of Sogeti experts founded in 2011 by Michiel BOREEL, Group Chief Technology Officer.
  • A support to the entire Sogeti Group, which provides its expertise to answer specific market issues.
  • A position of « thought-leader » on technology evolution and its impact on the practices and businesses of our customers. Experts regularly publish articles on the SogetiLabs blog, as well as reports (Machine Intelligence, Design to Disrupt, Internet of Things, etc.)
  • « THiNKUBATOR », an offer dedicated to « Business Innovation as a Service », aimed at companies who wish to accelerate their innovation process.


THiNKUBATOR 2018 (#Thinkubator2018) took place in Dublin at the headquarters of the Irish insurance company which has just begun a digital transition to be completed by 2022.

Three key technologies have been identified in order to reach this goal :

  • Artificial intelligence for image recognition
  • Blockchain for security and to meet the requirement of mutual trust
  • Chatbots to accompany the customer relationship.

Linking the SogetiLabs experts and the commercial and technical managers of the host company, this innovation process is initially planned for a six-week period including four successive phases.

 IDENTIFY, during which 3 high added value scenarios are identified for each of the chosen technologies.

 INTERROGATE, which leads to selecting the best scenario and thinking of how to implement it.

 INVESTIGATE, which leads to the creation of a business prototype or MLP (Minimum Lovable Product) and its validation by the end users.

 ITERATE, which by a succession of sprints must lead to the solution and its final validation.


The 2018 THiNKUBATOR in Dublin was an accelerated version of this approach: Create three Minimum Lovable Products in just two days. About fifty members of Sogetilabs have mobilized as well as a dozen technical experts on the client side. Three groups were set up around the three selected technologies. After a first half-day of brainstorming, and after a vote in each group, three ideas were selected for each of the three technologies.

On the evening of the first day, the client’s sales and technical managers selected the most relevant of the three. The last day was dedicated to developing the prototypes of Minimum Loveable Products:

  • Artificial intelligence and image recognition: A tool capable of evaluating, from a photograph, the amount of damage in a car accident. In the absence of available damaged cars, the prototype was calibrated on soda cans with different types of damage (crushing, crumbling…). The tool was able to differentiate three levels of damage on the cans.

Demo Artificial intelligence

  • Blockchain : Use the Blockchain to bring the customer’s partners together and automate the members loyalty program. The client connects to the application of our insurer client, he could, for example, provide his subscription ID for remote monitoring, a smart contract is triggered: the client then receives a proposal contracted between the two companies.
  • ChatBot : A virtual assistant directly implemented on a clone of the customer’s website or via a voice assistant. This assistant gives the driver advice on areas where he can park safely.


Invited to the opening of the Dublin THiNKUBATOR, Mark Pollock showed us that innovating is moving towards the unknown as a team. His adventurous life, the sporting challenges he overcame and his bionic solution to his handicap were made possible by team synergy, whether it be sports or medical.

We carried this story with us for the duration of the THiNKUBATOR: The expertise of our client’s employees and especially their proximity and simplicity allowed the ideas to bounce off everyone, to grow and take form…

On the evening of the second day, when we had to present our three innovations in front of the client’s management committee, we pitched together as members of the same start-up.  And we celebrated the feedback of what we invented together.



This « Irish Adventure » demonstrated THiNKUBATOR’s effectiveness in making innovation an offer: « Business Innovation as a Service ».



About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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