Jan 13, 2015
Sogeti Labs

Schermafbeelding 2015-01-12 om 09.29.09We at VINT wrote extensively about the internet of things. We did four research reports and a lot of blogposts on this topic. In this period we noticed that the numbers depicting the internet of things, from number of connected device to the amount of generated data, are overwhelming but also very variable depending on how you ask.

This weekend I came across research done by BI Intelligence, a research service from Business Insider. They are known for their data updates on trends like wearables and IoT. In this post I highlight some insights from their latest slidedeck.more–>

The research shows that the internet of things will by far be the largest devices market nearly doubling the other categories.

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Also with a steep growth curve.

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This will generate tremendous amounts of data.Schermafbeelding 2015-01-12 om 09.32.08

Which leads to a lot of potential when it comes to estimated revenue.

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A important driver for this to happen is the continuing falling prices of IoT sensors

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So what’s on the business agenda when it comes to the internet of things? Early adopters show a clear focus on customer services, followed by increasing single product revenue and efficiency optimization.

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Innovation and making the shift from a product-driven company to a service-driven company are on top of the list on what business leaders expect from the IoT

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For now security and legacy systems seem to be the biggest roadblocks for the IoT

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Just take a look at this analysis of the top 10 most sold IoT-devices and how many of them have security weaknesses.

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With smart homes and cars being the biggest IoT trends for consumers, devices for business applications will take over half of the IoT world by 2018

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With efficiency as the main business benefit

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A lot of interesting data from different sources. The slidedeck also contains data about consumer adoption of IoT and data concerning smart homes and cars if you are interested in that.

If you want to learn more about the internet of things, please have a look at the four research reports that can be downloaded here on the blog.


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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