5 on Friday: The new Apple, Google Glass x Guns, Robots and the Future of A.I.

Jun 6, 2014
Sogeti Labs

Hey, it’s friday. So here’s the fourth edition of 5 To Do’s for your friday or the weekend.

To watch: Google Glass meets Call of Duty
Austin startup TrackingPoint is best known for its precision-guided firearms, expensive weaponry purportedly capable of turning anyone into a veritable marksman. In this minute-long concept video, the company shows how wearable technology can be used in conjunction with its products to further augment a person’s shooting abilities. Pretty bad ass if you ask me.

To read: Here’s to the new Apple.
On monday Apple killed it in my humble opinion finnaly doing some of the stuff we always wanted them to do, but never thought they would. Oh yeah, and a new programming langqiege as wel. Here are two great reads on the ‘new’ Apple. “In A Change From The Steve Jobs Era, Apple Is Listening” & “Meet the new Apple

To click trough once more: Mary Meekers Internet Trends redesigned
Every year Mary Meekers gives the state of union for internet trends. A slidedeck with a lot of data and numbers and ugly graphs. Someone felt obligated to give the slides a make over. And here they are:

Internet Trends 2014 – Redesigned from Emiland

To think about: Will the future of A.I. have a body?
I’d love the movie Her. A really interesting take to what degree A.I. can enter our lives and our take on love. Since the movie came out, a lot of debate is going on if a A.I. that is just there by voice will be our main way to interact with these systems. But there’s a problem, says Ray Kurzweil, the well-known futurist, some of whose concepts inspired the film. Theodore’s only interaction with Samantha is by way of a small earpiece. To Theodore, Samantha is no more than a disembodied voice. Why’s that a problem? By the time advanced AI like Samantha is possible, it’ll also be possible to give her a realistic digital body. That is, Theodore should be able to talk to Samantha and watch her expressions and body language. LINK.

To retweet: Marc Andreessen on robots taking over our jobs
Marc Andreessen is an American entrepreneur, investor and software engineer. He is best known as co-author of Mosaic, the first widely usedWeb browser; as co-founder of Netscape Communications Corporation; and as co-founder and general partner of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. He uses “tweetstorms” (a serie of tweets in a single topic) to share his thougts. Someone captured all he said on robots eating up human jobs. Very Interesting.


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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